Friday, May 22, 2020

Keeping People Well with Effective Public Health Practice

The well-being of communities is dependent on effective public health practice. In this assignment I will consider the statement ‘The well-being of communities is dependent on effective public health practice.’ I will do this by looking at wellbeing, defining public health practice and by looking at evidence based practice, epidemiology, policies and goals generated and their effective application. I will also suggest why public health practice is not always as effective in practice as it is in policy. Achievement of wellbeing is the nation’s aim, so now how do we in practice with limited resources, political divisions, diverse demographics and actual poverty rising year on year causing 350,000 families alone to access one group of food banks last year( Trussel Trust 2013) , even begin to address this process. The momentum of disease, poverty, isolation moving towards wellbeing, achievement and community is the aim of all public health, an aim to improve the quality of lives lived out in a myriad of circumstances. With this momentum for quality and change wellbeing has been recognised as a measure for quality of life individually and in community and the Prime Minister in 2010 asked the Office of National Statistics (ONS) to measure the nations wellbeing (Cameron, 2010) The ONS attempted to comprehensively assess wellbeing of adults, youth and children including finance, social and human capital , asking questions where networks with others were also seen as a measure ofSh ow MoreRelatedHuman Resources Management Approach to Samhsa Strategic Initiatives1526 Words   |  7 Pagesand guide them on a straight path of success while meeting the mission of the organization. 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